Being Thankful

This post is a smidge on the late side huh? I guess life swept me up again and carried me away!!

I started this post about being Thankful before Thanksgiving which is the day that EVERYONE in the blog world was posting about being thankful …. soooo to keep up the tradition of being a Griswold and an always Late Laura, here is my Thankful post!

I’m thankful this year for my husband and our second year of marriage. We made it yet another year in this hard hard world. I love you my super cute stinkapotamus!

I’m thankful for my wonderful family. This includes my husbands wonderful family as well. I have so many caring people in my life.

I’m thankful for the fact that I have a job, a car and a house. So many people in our country, state and town don’t have 1 or more of these things. Being that it is after Thanksgiving, I am now thankful for a wonderful family filled Thanksgiving holiday. It was awesome. I love all of you and wish we could have more days like that! Looking forward to Christmas!

I’m thankful that my cousins baby girl was born beautiful and healthy this year.

I’m thankful for the show “How I Met Your Mother” I just recently started watching this show and I LOVE it!

I’m thankful for friends close and far. You are all great and wish that everyone was close to me all the time. Thank you all for everything!

I’m thankful for “The Vampire Diaries” too and Ian Somerhalder – He’s hot!

I’m thankful for delicious dinners and TV shows with my teenager, once in a while she makes me feel young.

I’m thankful for girls days full of snacks and Twilight movies – Including Breaking Dawn which I am so thankful I was able to see it already.

So anyway… what are all of you thankful for this season and this non-thanksgiving Tuesday?